‘Working with education leaders to achieve excellence’

Running a school has the same demands as running a business, with one major difference. School Leaders’ objectives and motivations are purely educational.
But school leaders must have a head for the numbers, battling financial constraints, it can seem like they became an accountant.
To achieve the best results, a school leader has to remember:
- Education is the goal.
- Budget management and curriculum efficiency are needed to achieve that goal.
CJ Learning starts from the educational goals and objectives for your Multi Academy Trust, your schools and academies. These objectives drive the curriculum design – the curriculum drives the staffing and resources you need. Not the other way around.
So, the key strategy is centred on designing the ideal curriculum for your school. One that will meet your educational goals and identify the staffing needed.
How It Works
CJ Learning consultants will work with you, your school’s data, and the online Curriculum Analysis Tool to:
- Objectively analyse your current curriculum and costs.
- Identify unusual patterns and potential cost savings.
- Design a curriculum with you that is right for your school.
- Advise you on all the practical aspects of moving to the new curriculum.
- Deliver a model for next academic year that guarantee will be efficient.
- Model in-year adaptions as circumstances require.
- Provide annual health checks to help you stay on track.
Curriculum Analysis Tool
The analysis tool uses data on your curriculum, learners, staff, and finances to provide insight into any areas where the curriculum provision may be unbalanced.
Straightforward data entry, supported by CJ Learning staff, produces a dashboard view showing the three key enhancement figures, curriculum, staffing and cost.
Areas that are not aligned with your educational objectives are highlighted and allow different scenarios to be modelled.
You can drill down to further detail for each enhancement dimension, curriculum shape, size and costs as well as unitised teaching and support staff costs.
Alongside the graphics, key metrics are presented in table form for further scrutiny and measurement.
Further Information
The Curriculum Analysis Tool is provided by a partnership between CJ Learning and Krescendo, powered by the LiveDataset platform.
For pricing and further information, please contact CJ Learning.