Announcing LiveDataset for Gathering Data


Since 2001, Krescendo has helped some of the world’s largest enterprises to gather, manage, and share organized information securely in real-time.

We have repeatedly found that people initially try to use spreadsheets for organizing and gathering data as they can start quickly. Spreadsheets are a powerful tool for an individual to use, but are not built for gathering organized data from lots of people. They quickly become unworkable.


LiveDataset Beta

Today we are officially announcing a new software product by Krescendo — LiveDataset.

LiveDataset will help people in large organizations to quickly and easily gather organized data.

It will be an online application and will soon be available to a limited number of companies participating in the LiveDataset beta program.

If you are interested in the LiveDataset beta program, we can keep you up-to-date on progress and let you know when the beta starts.

Tell Me More About the Beta Progam