Spreadsheet Errors

Spreadsheets seem much more accurate than humans. When you think about how long it would take to add up columns of numbers, calculate ratios… humans would take much longer and make many more mistakes.

This lures us into a sense of false security. When we make small mistakes in a spreadsheet, the spreadsheet will faithfully keep calculating results – when a human might spot the error.

Academic studies repeatedly find we are too confident in the accuracy of our spreadsheets. Audits find most spreadsheets have large numbers of serious spreadsheet errors.

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ISO27001: still well worth it

After obtaining the initial certification last year, we published a post describing how we went about it and how we thought it had been a worthwhile effort.

Retaining ISO27001 meant not only maintaining the high standards against which you were certified in the first place, but also showing evidence of continuous improvement.

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Development Diary #4

New features in the latest release of LiveDataset combine to provide flexible and powerful ways to define granular data access for users.
When adding features, especially powerful features, there is a risk that complexity is being introduced.
See how it is actually easier now to for an administrator to specify different types of access.

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Six Months to Product

The LiveDataset journey is reaching a key milestone today as early adopters will gain access.

Krescendo’s experience delivering custom development projects gives us a different perspective and certain advantages when how we develop software.

Krescendo CEO, Gabriele Albarosa explains the three key principles that have ensured the successful development of LiveDataset in just six months.

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Slicing Chocolate

James wanted to focus on using his creative skills to add real value. He loved working for a chocolate manufacturer but did not love the spreadsheet drudgery involved.

  • Lots of cutting and pasting data between spreadsheets
  • Regional teams managed everything by country
  • Brand teams managed everything by brand.

James found a way they could all provide their data in one place and all work off the one version of the same data while still just focusing on the information they cared about.

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Development Diary #3

The latest updates to LiveDataset introduce powerful new features to support shared access to a dataset.

With spreadsheets, sharing is problematic. It is difficult to know what changes were by made and who made them. And if you want to give people part of a spreadsheet, you have to divide each spreadsheet up into multiple ‘slices’.

See how LiveDataset makes it easy for many people to work with shared data.

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Spreadsheet Data Errors

You can put a lot of data in a spreadsheet, but because spreadsheets are so flexible it can be really difficult to spot data errors.

“Errors in spreadsheets are common, and may remain even when they are checked and, indeed, audited. The consequences of these errors can be catastrophic.”

Here are four examples where simple data errors caused spreadsheet nightmares.

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Development Diary #2

LiveDataset aims to make it as efficient as possible for business professionals to gather and organize information as a part of their work.

LiveDataset’s product manager explains how LiveDataset is designed to simplify the user experience and how removing clutter improves efficiency – as exemplified by three new features.

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Spreadsheet Formula Errors

Spreadsheets are great tools. Just like anything else – if you use the wrong tool for the job – something is going to go wrong.

Relying on spreadsheets to calculate the right results is risky. Simple mistakes can have major consequences.

Here are four examples of spreadsheet nightmares caused by simple formula errors that cost millions, cost jobs, and cost reputations.

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