Who You Gonna Call? Spreadsheet Busters!

I ain’t afraid of no spreadsheet

If there’s something strange in your neighborhood
Who you gonna call? Spreadsheet busters!
If there’s something weird and it don’t look good
Who you gonna call? Spreadsheet busters!

Spreadsheet Busters

A Dirty Secret

Most people are in denial. There is a dirty secret hiding in every company. We have been sweeping it under the carpet for too long. Now is the time to admit we have a problem and tackle it head on.

My business processes rely on spreadsheets

Once you admit to yourself that you too are relying on spreadsheets, you can do something about it.

And we can help. We can bust spreadsheets.

Not Just the Big Scary Spreadsheets

The huge overly-complex spreadsheet beasts are an obvious problem when they get to the point where no-one really understands how to fix them anymore.

But the hundreds of small spreadsheets can cause the same problems. Think of all the spreadsheets being emailed around

  • To gather and consolidate information.
  • To record decisions and feedback from different people.
  • Extending and integrating the main IT systems.
  • Distributing information across teams and departments.
  • As a quick fix (sticking plaster) alternative to a proper system.

All these spreadsheets are gonna have problems with

  • Formula errors.
  • Knowing which is latest version.
  • Lack of control.
  • Inconsistent data.

Just think of all the mistakes being made and time being wasted sorting out these problems throughout your firm.

Call the Hotline

Call the spreadsheet busters hotline and our crack team will swing into action bringing our secret weapon LiveDataset to suck in all the

  • Dirty data
  • Inconsistent formulae
  • Insecure access
  • Complexity

Letting you relax safe in the knowledge that your information is organized, accessible, and under control.

Spreadsheet Busters

Don’t suffer in silence. There is no need to be terrorized by spreadsheets that are out of control. Your solution is just a phone call away. And you don’t even need our team of spreadsheet busters. You can be a spreadsheet buster — try LiveDataset for yourself.