Inside an organization, three groups of people benefit from selecting the right software.
- Business owners – they have a problem they need solved.
- Users – the people who will be directly using the software.
- Technical – usually IT, providing expertise and support to users.
Each group has a different perspective and different requirements.
So, to help people getting to know LiveDataset, there are now three online guides.
1 Evaluate
This evaluation guide is intended for business owners considering LiveDataset as a solution for a specific business problem.
It is also useful for anyone searching for a way to quickly implement business processes – or just to understand when to use LiveDataset.

- Examples of datasets being used for gathering, processes, and calculations.
- Guidance on the skills and steps needed to use LiveDataset effectively.
- Recommendations on how to approach customization and integration.
2 Use
Many people do not need a user guide. But if they do, this guide helps new users familiarize themselves with LiveDataset.
It also gives anyone a sense of what LiveDataset is like to work with.

- Explanations of what datasets and views are.
- Step-by-step instructions for opening and using datasets.
- How to find, edit, and work with information in datasets.
3 Build
The building guide provides detailed instructions for people creating datasets for themselves or for others to share.
Coding is not required, but this manual contains some advanced topics and assumes that the reader has IT expertise.

- How permissions work and how to assign roles.
- How to create datasets, with different columns types and calculations.
- Building views to give the appropriate access to people.
- A quick guide showing how to build your first dataset in a couple of minutes.
Get Started
By reading these guides, you will see what LiveDataset can do.
- You can see the types of business problems it can solve.
- You can see what it is like to use Dataset.
- You can see what is involved in building datasets.
To experience for yourself how LiveDataset can address your specific business problems contact us at and we can arrange
- A time to discuss your business problem and how we can help.
- A demo account where you can use some prebuilt datasets.
- A full trial account where you can try out building your own datasets.