The world we live in is increasingly complex. This makes time the most valuable commodity.
Jeffry Pilcher, CEO of The Financial Brand, makes this convincing argument and suggests a straightforward “innovation blueprint” to counter complexity:
- Simplify processes
- Solve problems
- Save time
Even though Jeffry was focusing on the complexities of banking, his suggestion struck a chord. He is describing LiveDataset’s raison d’ĂȘtre — to kill complexity.
LiveDataset simplifies gathering organized information from many people. Anytime. Anywhere.
LiveDataset solves a big problem: the proliferation of spreadsheet-based business processes, which are error-prone, difficult to co-ordinate and impossible to control.
LiveDataset saves you time, a ton of time. Instead of IT projects that last months, you can build most business processes in hours or days.
Kill complexity with LiveDataset. Start Simplifying Solving & Saving.