Simplify, Solve, Save

The world we live in is increasingly complex. This makes time the most valuable commodity.

save time

Jeffry Pilcher, CEO of The Financial Brand, makes this convincing argument and suggests a straightforward “innovation blueprint” to counter complexity:

  • Simplify processes
  • Solve problems
  • Save time

Even though Jeffry was focusing on the complexities of banking, his suggestion struck a chord. He is describing LiveDataset’s raison d’ĂȘtre — to kill complexity.


LiveDataset simplifies gathering organized information from many people. Anytime. Anywhere.


LiveDataset solves a big problem: the proliferation of spreadsheet-based business processes, which are error-prone, difficult to co-ordinate and impossible to control.


LiveDataset saves you time, a ton of time. Instead of IT projects that last months, you can build most business processes in hours or days.

Kill complexity with LiveDataset. Start Simplifying Solving & Saving.