Finovate London: a summary

Earlier this week I attended Finovate London on a recommendation from a friend.

The 7-minute-presentation format – strictly enforced – ensures that you get through the many innovations pitched during the conference at a good pace.

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Krescendo: why NoSQL

In 2012, Krescendo introduced NoSQL technologies to its infrastructure.

MongoDB was the chosen distribution as it provided answers to the key requirements of scalability, resiliency, performance, and flexibility.

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End-of year Risk Assessment: done

Krescendo runs a Risk Assessment Program aimed at delivering a continuous evaluation of its risks associated with people, process, technology or data.

As part of the Program, Krescendo performs a six-monthly internal review and shares the results with all its clients.

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Top-down or bottom-up? A burning question

A few days ago, as I walked across Tower Bridge in London, someone pointed out that a new building, named the “walkie-talkie” on account of its eye-catching shape, was causing street-level damage as a result of the sun rays hitting its concave glass surface (it’s true!).

It made me think how complex projects can be perfectly planned on paper but then encounter “burning” issues upon implementation.

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Audit Trail: Let There Be Light

Audit trails, or activity logs, are the ever-growing shadow of data. Every time you click ‘submit’, snapshots are taken and pushed down into a virtual underworld.

As time passes, it gets deeper and darker: sometimes it can turn into a black hole, suddenly sucking out your system resources.

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